Grieger's Motor Sales Inc

Apr 23, 2019

At Grieger’s Motor Sales, your Jeep dealership in Michigan City, we know that not inspecting your tires on a regular basis can be a huge mistake and can lead to a catastrophic accident or leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere.

To avoid these calamities, here are four signs you may need new tires.

Worn Tread

The depth of your tire tread should never fall below 1/16 of an inch and probably needs to be twice that depth if you frequently drive on slick, wet surfaces. To check, take a penny and insert Lincoln head down into the tread. If Abe’s entire head remains visible, you don’t have enough tread and need new tires.

Sidewall Cracks

Beyond the treads, look for cuts or cracks in the sidewalls of your tires. If visible, this can indicate a slow leak or, worse yet, a tire that’s about to blow.

Bulges and Blisters

A weakened outer surface can produce a bulge or blister extending out from the rest of the tire. This weak spot can cause a sudden blowout and a possible crash.

Too Much Vibration

A certain amount of vibration while driving is common, but if the vibration becomes excessive that could mean a tire problem.

If you see any of these warning signs, head to your Jeep dealership in Michigan City, Grieger’s Motor Sales, and our service experts will have you back up and running in no time.